12 APR 2013 by ideonexus

 The Early Days of the Printing Press was Like the Early WWW

As was the case during the early days of the World Wide Web, however, the quality of the information was highly varied. While the printing press paid almost immediate dividends in the production of higher quality maps,10 the bestseller list soon came to be dominated by heretical religious texts and pseudoscientific ones.11 Errors could now be mass-produced, like in the so-called Wicked Bible, which committed the most unfortunate typo in history to the page: thou shalt commit adultery.12 Meanw...
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The glut of books produced a situation of "too much information" similar to the one produced by the world wide web.

28 AUG 2011 by ideonexus

 Programmers Get Better with Age

This kind of data is hard to come by, but thanks to almighty Stackoverflow ands their wise decision (thanks Joel), to make this data publicly available we can mine this data to our collective benefit. With a simple bash script to download the data, a small Java program to extract the stats and Google Docs to make the graphs, I was able to produce some interesting stats. I pulled in data of about 70.000 developers whose Stackoverflow reputation is over 100. On average 53% of them have their ...
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An ingenious conclusion arrived at by mining data on Stack Overflow finds that developers answer more questions as they get older and contribute more to the community.